Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Army Day

Hi Everyone,
I have some fun photos to share with you all!! As usual we've been busy with fun activities! Last week, the preschoolers were lucky enough to get to have a visit from an Army Soldier! With Memorial Day coming up, we invited First Class Sergeant Howard to come to the preschool and talk to the children about being in the military. Sergeant Howard told the kids all about his adventures in serving our country (working overseas, riding in aircrafts,  protecting our country!!!) He also taught the kids all about basic training, about all of the different branches of the military, he taught the kids how to salute, he taught the kids the Army song, he ran laps with the kids while calling cadence,  and he even gave us some basic training tests (push-ups!!). We even got to read a fun story about a military dad, and learned about the American Flag. The kids really looked up to Sergeant Howard (some called him 'Sergeant Hero'!!), and it was cool for them to see that Army guys are regular men and women in our community who proudly serve our country. Thanks Sergeant Howard!!!!

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