Sunday, April 27, 2014

Preschool Graduation



Congdon Creek
Preschool Graduation

May 30, 2014

Old Main Park
23rd Avenue East & 5th Street
Please join us as we celebrate the graduation of our 2014 Congdon Creek Preschoolers. We will begin open-lawn seating at 5:00pm. Please bring your own lawn chairs and blankets as none will be provided. We will enjoy a short program followed by a potluck dinner. Please see the school’s sign-in table to sign-up to bring either two pizzas, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables or dessert. It is important to note that each guest must provide their own:

o   Drinks
o   Blankets
o   Chairs
o   Plates/Utensils
o   Cups

*Please no children in the potluck line. (We have found that the desserts last longer and the mess stays limited when parents are in charge of dishing up the food!!)